Stories By Roland
How to get a free Taipei city tour + Novotel discount at the airport from China Airlines
júl 26, 2023Taiwan offers free sightseeing tours of Taipei for transit passengers! Free half-day tours can be enjoyed...
Free things to do in Rome – visit these places
máj 23, 2022The “Eternal City,” as Rome is known, offers something for everyone. History, shopping, fine dining, romance...
6 incredible Star Wars filming locations
máj 10, 2022Well, objectively, this article probably won’t be for everyone. However, we are fans and that is...
SPECIAL REWARD FOR OUR READERS: 20€ discount on flight tickets from Pelicantravel
marec 1, 2022Our readers and fans are the best in the world, so we want to reward them....
10 most beatiful beaches in Greece
február 22, 2022White sand, lagoons and good weather all year round. Greece has everything you could wish from...
7 reasons why we recommend to experience the Cebu Island
február 9, 2022Do you want to swim with a whale shark? Do you long for relaxation in a...
Aktualizované odporúčania WHO pre medzinárodnú dopravu v súvislosti s ohniskom nákazy COVID-19
22. júla 2020This document provides updated recommendations for international traffic in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak, in light...
Ceny a rozmery batožiny pre rôzne letecké spoločnosti
27. augusta 2019Potrebujete vedieť rozmery, cenu alebo hmotnosť povolenej batožiny pre váš let? ...
10 pozoruhodných miest v Taliansku, ktoré vás vyhodia z vzduchu
23. augusta 2019Keď počujete slová „talianske mesto“, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou vás napadne Rím, Benátky, Miláno ...
10 dôvodov, prečo navštíviť Lago di Garda
23. augusta 2019Chceli by ste zažiť dovolenku, kde si môžete užiť nádherné hory aj ...